- $19
- Brampton, ON, Canada
We provide the following products for users in the European Economic Area (“Users,” and each a “User”), among other areas, to connect with sellers and discover new products and services: Shops: features that enable sellers to build and operate online stores on and through their Facebook or Instagram accounts to offer products and services through virtual storefronts; and Features that utilize structured product or service listings by sellers (“Product Listings”) to allow users on Facebook to connect with each other to buy and sell products and services (including on Marketplace). By offering our Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products, we enable Users to communicate with each other to act as buyers and sellers. Currently, we do not offer functionality allowing Users to purchase a product or service on the Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products. Users interested in purchasing a listed item must either navigate to the seller’s website or message the seller directly. We do not direct or control transactions or communications between buyers and third-party sellers. In particular, we do not sell products or services of third-party sellers, take possession of third-party sellers’ products, assume responsibility for third-party sellers’ products in transit, or guarantee the performance of third-party sellers’ products or services. We do not create Product Listings on behalf of third-party sellers on the Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products, and we are not a party to any transactions ultimately concluded between buyers and third-party sellers. Who can list items for sale using our Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products? Shops: Only professional sellers may list their items for sale in shops on Facebook and Instagram. Other Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products (including Marketplace): Only consumer sellers may list their items for sale. Classification Criteria We aim to ensure that the Product Listings users see are as interesting and useful to them as possible. We prioritize multiple signals to decide which Product Listings to show people using our Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products, including a user’s search and engagement history, user demographics, listing quality, and user experience. In particular, some sellers may choose to pay to increase the visibility of their Product Listings by turning them into advertisements. In such cases, the Product Listings will be identified as advertisements. Otherwise, sellers cannot pay to increase the visibility of their Product Listings. Where applicable, if a user chooses not to allow us to use their Facebook information to provide their Marketplace experience, then Product Listings will be displayed to users based on recency, or to the extent a user provided search terms, relevance. Further details about how we rank the Product Listings on our Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products can be found in our Commerce Ranking Disclosure. Conditions for Listing/De-Listing Sellers can use the Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products to create and publish new Product Listings. Product Listings listed on Facebook and Instagram must comply with our Commerce Policies. Additionally, Product Listings on Facebook must comply with Facebook’s Community Standards, and Product Listings on Instagram must comply with Instagram’s Community Guidelines. Buyers and sellers are also responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply may result in particular in the removal of listings and other content, rejection of product tags, or suspension or termination of access to any or all Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products. Guarantees We do not offer any guarantees or insurance to Users in relation to their purchase of a product listed on the Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products. Applicable Fees We do not charge Users any fees for their use of the Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products, except when a User acting as a seller chooses to boost its Product Listing by turning it into an advertisement. Payment Methods We do not currently offer functionality allowing Users to purchase a product or service on our Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products in the European Economic Area. Users interested in purchasing a listed item must navigate to the seller’s website or message the seller directly. Because Users cannot complete transactions using the Facebook and Instagram Commerce Products, any payment, and its modalities, are determined directly between the seller and the buyer. Dispute Resolution Procedures We are not a party to any transactions or disputes between buyers and third-party sellers. In the event of a dispute, the buyer should contact the seller to attempt to resolve the dispute. Consumers may also use the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform to attempt to resolve a dispute with a seller or bring consumer complaints before the court where the consumer is domiciled or resides. Your Rights and Obligations When Purchasing from Consumer Sellers Lack of Consumer Rights For products and services offered by consumer sellers, such as on Marketplace, EU-based consumer protection laws do not apply to the sale of these products and services. In particular, unless the product description explicitly provides for a right of withdrawal, you will not benefit from such right. However, you may still benefit from a guarantee against defects or from a guarantee of conformity under the national laws of where you are domiciled or reside. Law of Obligations and Civil Liability Please note that your transactions with other Users may be governed by the laws of your country. Tax Obligations Please note that your transactions with other Users may lead to tax obligations in your country.